Thank you for visiting my web page. I am excited to be sharing my new instructional videos soon! 


My Background

I was born and raised in New England, attended Baum School of art as a teenager, and always knew that I wanted to be an artist.

My experiences

I have had many lovely and some not so lovely experiences that have shaped how I approach watercolors. All combine to create the artistic views that  I share today .

My Vision

I believe that watercolor is meant to be spontaneous. It offers such freedom of expression. It’s not so much the subject matter, as it is the mood that is created by the light, that inspires me to paint. I have found that by reading everything I can get my hands on, from art history books, to current issues of art magazines, that everyone has a different set of rules, color schemes, do’s and don’ts, etc. This just reinforces my belief that there are no rules that are absolute!!  Just freedom.

My Palette

Information about Palette

This is my favorite pallet as it has tons of wells and stays happy when I travel! I put sponges in the large center area to stop the pigments from having a "get together" when no-one is watching!

The only companies that I have found that carry this specific one is Richeson, and Holbein

Cheap Joe's in Boone, N.C.  We love Joe and his staff  are amazingly helpful and quick!! There's also Jerry's Artorama in Raleigh NC and Ft Lauderdale  Fla. , if you cannot find what you need there  , surf around for  good deals if you live where things are scarce and hard to come by ....I love Sebring ! But it's really hard to find quality art supplies here.  

Site Content


The Pigments that I normally have on my pallett

  1. Juane Brilliant #1
  2. Juane Brilliant #2
  3. Brilliant Pink 
  4. Opera
  5. New Gamboge
  6. Cadmium yellow Orange
  7. Brilliant Orange
  8. Vermillion
  9. scarlett Lake
  10. Alizarin Crimson
  11. Magenta
  12. Burnt Sienna   
  13. Burnt Umber
  14. Lavender
  15. Lilac
  16. Cobalt Blue
  17. Ultra Marine Blue
  18. Royal Blue
  19. peacock Blue
  20. Cinnerous Blue
  21. Ceurelean  Blue 
  22. Leaf Green 



Fees are based on number of individuals involved.

All other subject matter

Based on sizes.


Drop me a line!

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For more information on upcoming workshops, or for information on booking, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you.

Janet King Watercolors

2411 Lakeview Dr, Sebring, Florida 33870

(863) 314-0042 ; (863) 446-5734

the money part

Workshop Schedule 2020

January 22 through January 24, 2020

Florida Keys Watercolor Society

9am-4 pm (doors open @8:00 - contact info is Brenda @ (609)231-7045

San Pablo Catholic Church , MM-53.5 Marathon Florida

Event Details

January 22 through January 24, 2020

Florida Keys Watercolor Society

I am so very excited to be teaching my last "traveling" workshop down in the magnificent Florida Keys !!!! Who wouldn't want to be there in January ! In celebration I will be offering  quite a few fun give aways ! No, ,,,everyone does not get an I-Pad , But all will receive a free matted print along with 75% off of my last workshop DVD!

9am-4 pm (doors open @8:00 - contact info is Brenda @ (609)231-7045

San Pablo Catholic Church , MM-53.5 Marathon Florida